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schema update procedure

Is there a specific procedure that we should follow when making schema updates? I have often found that it takes several restarts of the the server to complete the change. The issue is that there may be changes in many places. Each change appears to be applied as the class is first encountered

Indexes broken after schema update.

Anyone else noticed this? I updated an entity Object with some new fields, restarted the database to pick up the new schema and now none of the indexes work, except the @Id. I can query by any field that is not indexed on the existing Object but as soon as I try and query against a field

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

Unable to update a OneToMany Set

Unable to update a OneToMany Set

NPE after an @embedded obj is updated for a detached entity

NPE after an @embedded obj is updated for a detached entity

Bidirectional OneToMany is slow on updated items

Bidirectional OneToMany is slow on updated items

Is there an update on running ObjectDB purely in-memory?

Is there an update on running ObjectDB purely in-memory?

Storing JPA Entity Objects

too much memory. The sample code above clears the persistence context after every 10,000 persists. Updates are flushed to the database before clearing, otherwise they would be lost. Updates that are sent ... until a commit. With no explicit commit, these updates are later discarded. The combination of clear

Privacy Policy

Last updated: 13 January 2023 This Privacy Policy describes Our policies and procedures ... communication, such as a mobile application's push notifications regarding updates or informative ... updates, when necessary or reasonable for their implementation. To provide You with news, special

Deadlock on Schema Update during Multithreading activity

Deadlock on Schema Update during Multithreading activity

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